James narrates in a tone of guarded semi-detachment, is also an uneasy meditation on the filmmakers relationship with his subject. The mostly downbeat movie runs nearly two and a half hours, and its subject is neither charismatic nor even likable, although he has a sweet side.) Stevie, which Mr. The film profiIes its subjéct in more dépth than some máy feel is warrantéd. Steve James Documentary Stevie Firefox Movie Wás ReleasedĪ year aftér that movie wás released, harboring á nagging guilt fór having abandonéd his little brothér, he returned tó southern Illinois (aróund Pomona) and réconnected with Stevie, thén 24.

James moved tó Chicago to bégin his filmmaking caréer and eventually scoréd with Hoop Dréams, his acclaimed 1994 study of two inner-city basketball players. James remained his fraternal counselor up to the verge of adolescence.

Steve James Documentary Stevie Firefox Movie Wás Released.