Naturally, Kimihito finds this out right after he spends most of chapter 4 riding Centorea. Accidental Marriage: Centaurs have strict rules about only letting one's "master" ride on their backs.One of the earlier Arcs was around Kimihito being the first to get married to one of the girls to bridge relationships between monster girls and humans, only for later chapters to casually show several human and monsters as fiancees or already married.For Kimihito this means that the only thing really stopping him from going all the way with his housemates is his uncertainty/not wanting to hurt them, and their own competitiveness with each other making it difficult for any of them to make a move. Albeit there are implications that the government has simply given up trying to enforce most such rules (especially with groups like Black Lily competing with them in the PR department), instead merely trying to make sure any actual sex takes place in private and that no one gets abused.

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